How to Stop Your Dog’s Destructive Wall-Eating Habit – A Comprehensive Guide

Is your beloved canine companion turning your pristine walls into a doggy demolition zone? If your dog has developed a puzzling habit of munching on drywall, don’t despair! There are effective and compassionate solutions to this puzzling behavior. Join us on an in-depth exploration of the reasons why dogs eat walls and a comprehensive guide to break this destructive pattern.

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Understanding Your Dog’s Wall-Eating Urges

The reasons behind a dog’s odd affinity for drywall can be varied. Puppies, for instance, may chew on walls during teething, seeking relief from sore gums. Nutritional deficiencies can also drive dogs to consume non-food items like drywall. Boredom, anxiety, and attention-seeking behaviors can all manifest in wall-eating tendencies. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial for tailoring an effective solution.

Discovering Underlying Medical Conditions

If your dog’s wall-eating behavior is sudden or accompanied by other changes in their health, it’s essential to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Consult your veterinarian to discuss your dog’s dietary habits, activity levels, and any noticeable behavioral shifts. Blood tests, x-rays, and other diagnostic tests can help uncover potential health issues that may be contributing to your dog’s wall-eating.

Tackling Nutritional Deficiencies

If nutritional deficiencies are suspected, your veterinarian may recommend dietary changes to ensure your dog is receiving the essential nutrients they need. A balanced diet that meets your dog’s specific age, weight, and breed requirements is crucial. Avoid feeding your dog foods that are high in sodium or sugar, as these can exacerbate wall-eating behavior.

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Enrichment for a Fulfilled Pup

Boredom is a common culprit behind destructive behaviors in dogs. Providing your dog with ample mental and physical stimulation can effectively curb wall-eating. Engaging play sessions, regular walks, and interactive puzzle toys will keep your furry friend entertained and mentally satisfied. Consider enrolling your dog in obedience classes or doggy daycare to socialize them and provide additional enrichment opportunities.

Addressing Anxiety and Attention-Seeking

Anxiety or attention-seeking behavior can also lead to wall-eating. Creating a calm and secure environment for your dog is essential. Establish regular routines, provide soothing bedding, and crate train your dog to create a safe and comforting space for them. If anxiety is a concern, consult with your veterinarian about appropriate treatment options, such as behavioral therapy or medication.

Training and Redirecting the Behavior

Positive reinforcement training is an effective method to discourage wall-eating. When you catch your dog chewing on the wall, immediately interrupt them with a firm “No.” Then, redirect their attention to an appropriate chewing toy or activity. Gradually increase the duration that your dog refrains from wall-eating before providing them with a reward. This will help them associate wall-eating with negative consequences and desirable behaviors with positive reinforcement.

Create a Repellent Spray

Creating a non-toxic homemade deterrent spray can effectively discourage your dog from chewing on walls. Mix one part apple cider vinegar with three parts water and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Test the spray in an inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t discolor the wall. Then, spray the solution on areas where your dog tends to chew. The pungent scent of the vinegar will serve as a natural deterrent.

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Using Bitter Apple Spray

Bitter apple spray is another effective commercial product you can use to deter wall-eating. Apply the spray to areas where your dog chews, and the bitter taste will discourage them from further consumption. Note that bitter apple spray can be harmful if ingested in large quantities, so supervise your dog when using this product.

Covering Walls with Protective Materials

If other methods fail, you may need to cover the walls with protective materials to prevent further damage. Install wire mesh, heavy-duty screens, or durable chew-proof wallpaper to create a barrier between your dog and the wall. While this may not be an aesthetically pleasing solution, it can provide temporary relief while you work on addressing the underlying cause of your dog’s wall-eating behavior.

How To Get My Dog To Stop Eating The Wall


Curbing a dog’s wall-eating habit requires patience, consistency, and a multifaceted approach. By understanding the underlying reasons for this behavior, eliminating potential health concerns, addressing nutritional deficiencies, providing ample enrichment opportunities, applying training techniques, and using deterrent measures, you can effectively break this destructive pattern. Remember to consult with your veterinarian throughout the process for professional guidance and support. With love, dedication, and the right strategies, you can help your canine companion overcome wall-eating and restore harmony to your home.

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