How to Get Rid of That Nasty Skunk Smell in Your Garage

I’m sure you’ve been there – you come home, and suddenly your whole house smells like an unpleasant odor. You panic and search for the source, and then it hits you – your garage reeks of skunk! Skunks are a common nuisance for homeowners, and getting rid of that awful smell can be a nightmare.

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But don’t worry, I’m here to help! In this blog post, I’ll share everything you need to know about getting rid of skunk smell in your garage. I’ll cover everything from the best cleaning products to use to tips on how to prevent skunks from coming back in the first place.

Identifying the Source of the Smell

Before you can start cleaning up the skunk smell, you need to identify the source. This will help you determine the best cleaning method to use.

There are a few common places where skunks will spray. These include:

  • Under your car
  • In the corners of your garage
  • On your garage door

Once you’ve identified the source of the smell, you can start cleaning it up.

Cleaning Up the Skunk Smell

There are a few different cleaning products that you can use to remove skunk smell. These include:

  • Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizing agent that can break down the thiols that cause skunk smell.
  • White vinegar: White vinegar is a mild acid that can help to neutralize the thiols.
  • Baking soda: Baking soda is a natural deodorizer that can help to absorb the skunk smell.
  • Commercial skunk odor removers: There are a number of commercial skunk odor removers on the market that are specifically designed to break down the thiols.
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To use any of these cleaning products, simply follow the directions on the label.

Tips for Preventing Skunks From Coming Back:

Once you’ve cleaned up the skunk smell, you’ll want to take steps to prevent skunks from coming back. These include:

  • Seal up any holes or cracks in your garage: Skunks can squeeze through very small openings, so it’s important to seal up any holes or cracks in your garage.
  • Keep your garage clean: Skunks are attracted to food and garbage, so it’s important to keep your garage clean. This means sweeping up any food spills and taking out the trash regularly.
  • Remove any potential hiding places: Skunks like to hide under things, so remove any potential hiding places from your garage.
  • Install a motion-activated light: Skunks are nocturnal animals, so they’re more likely to be active at night. Installing a motion-activated light will help to deter them from coming near your garage.
  • Use a skunk deterrent: There are a number of commercial skunk deterrents on the market that can help to keep skunks away.

Common FAQ’s

Q: What is the best way to get rid of skunk smell in my garage?

A: The best way to get rid of skunk smell in your garage is to use a combination of hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, and baking soda.

Q: How can I prevent skunks from coming back to my garage?

A: You can prevent skunks from coming back to your garage by sealing up any holes or cracks, keeping your garage clean, removing any potential hiding places, and installing a motion-activated light.

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How To Get Skunk Smell Out Of Garage


Getting rid of skunk smell in your garage can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. By following the tips in this blog post, you can eliminate the smell and prevent skunks from coming back. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Are you interested in learning more about skunk odor removal?

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