How Much Does It Cost to Get a Jeep Wrapped?

Owning a Jeep is an experience like no other, and customizing it to your style can make it even more special. One popular way to transform your Jeep’s appearance is to get it wrapped. But how much does this transformation cost?

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The cost of a Jeep wrap can vary widely, depending on various factors such as the size of your Jeep, the complexity of the design, and the type of vinyl used. In general, expect to pay anywhere from $2,000 to $6,000 for a full vehicle wrap.

Factors Affecting the Cost of a Jeep Wrap

Size of Your Jeep

The size of your Jeep will directly impact the cost of the wrap. A larger Jeep will require more material, which means a higher cost. For instance, wrapping a two-door Jeep Wrangler will typically cost less than wrapping a four-door Jeep Gladiator.

Complexity of the Design

Simpler designs, such as solid colors or basic patterns, are less expensive to wrap. If you choose a more intricate or multicolored design, the cost will increase. Custom designs or graphics will also add to the overall cost.

How Much Does a Jeep Cost

Type of Vinyl Used

There are various types of vinyl available for Jeep wraps, each with its own price point. Standard vinyl is typically the most affordable option, while premium cast vinyl is more durable and resistant to fading.

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Steps Involved in a Jeep Wrap

A professional Jeep wrap typically involves the following steps:

  1. Disassembly: Certain parts of your Jeep, such as headlights and door handles, may need to be removed for a seamless wrap.
  2. Surface Preparation: The Jeep’s surface is thoroughly cleaned and prepped to ensure the vinyl adheres properly.
  3. Vinyl Application: The vinyl is carefully applied to the Jeep’s surface, using a combination of heat and pressure.
  4. Trimming and Reassembly: Excess vinyl is trimmed away, and any removed parts are reinstalled.
  5. Post-Wrap Care: It’s recommended to avoid washing or waxing your Jeep for a few weeks after the wrap is applied to allow the adhesive to cure properly.

Advantages of a Jeep Wrap

  • Customization: Jeep wraps allow you to personalize your vehicle and express your style.
  • Protection: Vinyl wraps can protect your Jeep’s original paint from scratches and fading.
  • Reversible: Unlike paint jobs, Jeep wraps can be removed without damaging the original paint.
  • Cost-Effective: Compared to a full repaint, a Jeep wrap is a more cost-effective option for customizing your vehicle’s appearance.

Expert Advice for Getting a Jeep Wrap

To ensure a professional and long-lasting Jeep wrap:

  • Choose a reputable wrap shop: Look for shops with experience in wrapping Jeeps and good customer reviews.
  • Select high-quality vinyl: Opt for premium cast vinyl for durability and fade resistance.
  • Prepare your Jeep properly: Wash and thoroughly clean your Jeep before taking it to the wrap shop.
  • Consider maintenance: Jeep wraps need to be maintained with occasional washing and waxing to preserve their appearance.


Q: How long does a Jeep wrap typically last?

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A: With proper care, a Jeep wrap can last anywhere from 5 to 8 years.

Q: Can I wrap my Jeep myself?

A: It’s not recommended to wrap your Jeep yourself unless you have the necessary experience and equipment. A professional wrap job will ensure a flawless finish.

Q: Will a Jeep wrap affect my Jeep’s resale value?

A: A high-quality Jeep wrap can actually increase its resale value, as it protects the original paint and enhances the vehicle’s overall appearance.

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Jeep Wrapped


Getting a Jeep wrapped is a great way to customize your vehicle and protect its paint. The cost can vary based on various factors, but you can expect to pay between $2,000 to $6,000 for a professional wrap job. By following expert advice and considering the factors discussed in this article, you can ensure a successful Jeep wrap that enhances the look and protects your beloved vehicle.

If you’re interested in learning more about Jeep wraps or exploring other customization options, feel free to reach out to reputable wrap shops in your area. Their expertise can guide you through the process and help you achieve your desired Jeep transformation.

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