How Fast Does Your Soda Get Cold?

On a hot summer day, there’s nothing quite like a cold, refreshing soda. But how long does it take for soda to get cold? As a kid, you may have put the soda in the refrigerator, waited impatiently, only to pull out a can that’s still just as warm. The wait can be torturous when you’re craving something cold to quench your thirst.

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So just how long does it take for soda to get cold? You might assume it simply depends on how cold your refrigerator is, which is a factor, but several variables affect the cooling rate of your favorite drink. Let’s dive deeper to understand all.

Factors Affecting Cooling Time

The cooling process of soda involves heat transfer from the warm liquid to the cold surroundings, ultimately cooling the soda. Many factors influence this transfer rate, such as:

  • Size of the container: Smaller cans or bottles cool faster because they have less liquid volume and a higher surface area to volume ratio.
  • Temperature of the refrigerator: The colder the refrigerator, the quicker your drink will cool.
  • Placement: Cans or bottles placed near the back or bottom of the refrigerator will cool faster as they have better contact with cold air.
  • Type of container: Plastic bottles may cool slightly faster than aluminum cans due to differences in thermal conductivity and specific heat.
  • Insulation: If the soda is wrapped in a cozy or insulated material, cooling will be slower due to reduced heat transfer.
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How to Cool Soda Faster

If you’re impatient and want your beverage chilled as quickly as possible, there are a few tricks you can employ:

  • Fill a bowl with ice and water: Submerging a can or bottle in a bowl of ice water significantly speeds up cooling.
  • Use a metal container: Pour your soda into a chilled metal container, which conducts heat more efficiently than plastic.
  • Agitate the beverage: Gently shaking the soda helps distribute the cold throughout the liquid, aiding in uniform cooling.
  • Put salt in the ice water: Adding a bit of salt to the ice bath lowers the freezing point, which in turn cools the soda faster.

Approximate Cooling Times

Now, let’s address the burning question – how long does it take to get a soda cold? The cooling time depends on the variables mentioned earlier, but here are some rough estimates:

  • In a refrigerator: A 12-ounce can of soda can cool down in 30 to 60 minutes, while a 2-liter bottle may take up to 2 hours.
  • In an ice water bath: A 12-ounce can can be chilled in just 5 to 10 minutes when submerged in ice water.
  • In a freezer: Do not put soda in the freezer – it can explode! This is a dangerous cooling method and should be avoided.

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How Long Does It Take For Soda To Get Cold


So, the next time you crave a cold soda, remember that patience is a virtue. If you can wait 30 minutes to an hour, your drink will cool in the refrigerator. But, if you just can’t wait, immerse your soda in an ice water bath for a speedy chill. How long does it take for soda to get cold? With these cooling tips in mind, you can now estimate the waiting time and satisfy your thirst with a refreshingly cold soda without delay.

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